Linda Swanson
McClure Gallery | Montreal, Quebec | 2011
In spite of our ability to explain the natural world, there is still a certain mystery to how matter takes form, seeming to be at first one thing, and then becoming another. Light things become dark, soft things become hard, solid things begin to flow. Such transformations open onto questions of our own being and becoming, and how we find ourselves in a world in flux. These questions are at play in the exhibition In Formation, a series of installations in which Linda Swanson explores the phenomenon of metamorphosis through both raw and kiln-fired ceramic materials. In retrieving a naturalness from industrially refined and even synthetic clays, salts, and mineral compounds, she reveals an ambiguous dimension of artifice that allows us to think about nature and ourselves.
detail with visitor to Osmogenesis
foreground Constellation, background Lumen
tube detail of Constellation - salt, water, plastic
crystalline glazed porcelain, painted aluminum
surface detail
crystalline glazed porcelain
bentonite, water, nylon, metal, wood
week 3 clay detail